Cooler nights and chilly mornings. Is the changing of the season upon us in Colorado?
Eggplants thrive in this kind of environment. If you're on the fence about eggplant, maybe you just haven't tried the right variety.
As pictured here these Japanese Eggplants can't get enough of this weather. As long as they don't succumb to mildew or rot.
Similar to the Chinese eggplant, the Japanese eggplant has a slender, long shape, but it tends to have a deeper purple color. Both have a nice, thin skin, don’t contain many seeds, and have flesh that’s extra creamy when cooked. They cook quickly, making them excellent candidates for stir fries.
Along with an assortment of peppers, other fruits and plenty of flowers this eggplant seems to respond very well to The Magnificent Garden Multi-Purpose Plant Food.